very interesting and challenging

blog-commprogRoxhens Meraj, one winner of the Web Development Competition 2015, has started with his internship at Communication Progress two weeks ago. His first impressions are very good. He really likes the motivational environment and the very friendly and welcoming team mates. In principle perfect, one would think. However, as quite normal and common in the professional life of any software developer, Roxhens is also faced with challenges. In the competition he has proven his good skills in certain web development technologies. But now on the job he has to deal with unknown and new technologies. Once again, the proof that professional skills also include the ability to learn, persistence, and structured approach when entering new territory. However, Roxhens is highly motivated to learn as much as possible in the next three months of the internship. And he is convinced that he will succeed – also because of the great support within a great team at Communication Progress. We are convinced as well and very grateful for this opportunity.

With pleasure and interest we pursue the further development of this success story.


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