so happy about this opportunity

blog-success-story-kriseida“I’m so happy I get this opportunity and I am so excited with the training at AIA Network.”  That’s what Kriseida Omeri, one winner of the Photography Competition 2015 says about her prize. Accompanied and advised by the experienced coaches of Albanian Innovation Accelerator, the young art enthusiast from Durrës is now developing her personal roadmap on how to turn her skills in a promising and realistic business. Although she is studying Urban Planning, Kriseidas greatest wish remains to become a professional in photography. Always according the motto “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!” as Kriseida expreses her conviction in her own words.

With great pleasure and interest we pursue the further development of this success story.



  1. so proud of my niece! Love you!

  2. We are so proud to welcome Krisi at AIA. Thanks Stephan and team. Looking forward to future collaborations.
    In the meanwhile I wanted to share with you a competition we have launched for fashion talent at If anybody from your network is in that field is very welcome to participate. We organise this every year with fashion graduates in London, with participants from fashion colleges from UK and beyond. Would welcome Albanian talent.

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