We are delighted to introduce to you the Second Chance project, the newest project co-funded by the European Union and part of the Erasmus+ Youth 2023 Capacity Building programme!
This program brings together an entirely new partnership which is bringing together a diverse, vibrant but solid consortium of organizationsconsortium of organizations: Taka-Tuka from Slovenia (leading partner) , Drivhuset from Sweden
, BRAVO from Bosnia and Herzegovina
, Galala University from Egypt
, and Albanian Skills and Albanian Craftsman Education from Albania
. Each is committed to fostering youth skills, empowerment, and creativity!
The First Transnational Meeting took place from 23d to 25th February, 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.The project partners disscussed and agreed on project implementation aspects, schedules and deliverables.
The project includes engaging drama workshops by Taka Tuka, focusing on sustainable textile design and entrepreneurial skills โ a creative spark for young innovators!
Participants will also create brochures to raise upcycling awareness and develop business ideas, empowering aspiring young entrepreneurs.
A key focus is merging tradition with innovation in sewing, inspiring a greener future in fashion.
Next long stop in Albania! Looking forward to seeing each other soon in June 11-17, 2024 in Albania for the organisation of the Youth Exchange Innovations in Textile. About 25 youngsters and 10 group leaders from the five partners countries will be welcomed in Tirana by ACE -Albania Craftsman Education and AlbanianSkills
Time to Sustainable Innovation in Textile Design! Stay tuned for the upcoming call for participants in this exciting project!
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