proven and experienced professionals

To ensure high quality competitions it’s an absolute must to true professionals in the panels. Members of a jury do not only evaluate the results of the competitors. No, jury members of AlbanianSkills as well develop the tasks for the competitions. And as strong condition to develop practical and challenging tasks, these guys have to be up to date in terms of technology and the latest labor market developments.

From this viewpoint, it is our great pleasure to warmly welcome Migen Karriqi as new member of the jury for our Web Development Competition. Migen is a self-taught Front End Developer with extensive experience, working as a freelancer with different international agencies. He loves to solve challenges and that’s exactly what Migen enjoys most about web development. He is also passionate about helping businesses succeed online through innovation and creative problem solving. You will always find him looking for latest tech and design trends.

Migen perfectly complements our existing and experienced team in web development, consisting of Patrick Zahnd and Pascal Burri, both software engineers from Switzerland. All participants in this competition may look forward to an exciting challenge and a truly professional and fair evaluation. Check out the details about our entire team here!

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