Frenkli Kapri: With Albanian Skills I had made the best choice

Hello everyone!

I am Frenkli Kapri, currently studying software engineering. The student life for me has been like that of most Albanian students, unmotivated to try new things and to participate in different events and competitions. After the first semester, I realized and decided that I shouldn’t focus only on my university.  So I started searching in different portals for competitions and events that would include the knowledge I had taken from my university.

AlbanianSkills was the only one that organized a competition related to my degree. The competitions that AlbanianSkills organizes are of different fields. This worried me in the beginning, thinking that it would be impossible to give the same commitment and importance to all of the competitions, but after I saw that each of them was perfectly organized I understood that I had made the best choice. Also the atmosphere in AlbanianSkills was very friendly.

After the competition the winners were announced and I won the third place. The announcement of the winners and their rewards was organized in a special way. There were in total 5 rewards for 3 winners and each of us had the opportunity to choose the one that fit us best. I chose three months internship at Antea Cement. As any other student my skills related to work were limited and I thought this internship would help me.

During the internship I didn’t only practiced the knowledge I already had, but I also learned many new things related to professional life too. I have been working with projects before, but once I started the internship I realized that the workplace is very different from university and projects I have done there. From this internship I learned many things related to the profession that I have chosen, but most importantly I learned how a company is organized and what it really means to be an employee.

Internship is a phase that all the students have to go through, since if we get employed right after the university there will be many deficiencies that are going to make our professional life much more difficult.

Frenkli Kapri

Software Development, 3d place winner 2017

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