faleminderit shumë – thank you very much

blog-thank-youBack in Switzerland and with some days distance I’m still flying on cloud seven! What a great event in a wonderful atmosphere! What we have created with Albanian Skills is simply fantastic! We as organizers have only created  the conditions and the opportunity for such a success story. The true glory and thanks go to other people. On behalf of the entire team we honestly want to express our deepest and grateful appreciation to the following stakeholders:

Many thanks to all the competitors. Wow, you were so motivated and fair to each other! You have been working so hard and focused. You really have proved a lot of talent and spirit! We were really impressed and to you belongs our respect really impressed. For us you ar all winners! Thank you!

A big thank goes to TEG. Thank you for your trust in our initiative and all the support you have given to us. Our intention is to make publicity for young skilled talents and for that the location at TEG was just  perfect. Thank you!

A voluntary initiative like Albanian Skills simply is not possible without the generous support of sponsors and suppliers. Many thanks go in alphabetical order to

and many other sponsors, the name do not want to be mentioned, but want to contribute to a better professional future! Thank you so much!

And last but not least a voluntary initiative does not work without volunteers. Besides the immense commitment of the whole team we could also count on the active assistance of additional volunteers.  Faleminderit shumë!

All of you have helped with Albanian Skills an energetic and positive movement and community could arise! Certainly more chapter in the still young story of the Albanian Skills will follow…


  1. Great job, hope it will become a regular event, congrats to the organizers.

    • Stephan

      Thank you for the praise! I hope to see you competing next year again 🙂 Greetings from Switzerland!

  2. I would love to participate again in this great event, and next time I’ll come more prepared. Thank you for making possible this great event.

    • Thank you Arber,
      We are greatly happy to see your all cheerful faces in that event. and to hear such opinions.
      That’s all it can be achieved through such initiatives! It’s fantastic and I have to say even in line with my personal imagination too. Now, let’s preserve all good and nice things we all did and look forward for the future steps for which all your inputs and feedback will be important too.
      Best 🙂

  3. Matthias

    Congratulations! People say, the biggest success in international cooperation are projects making themselves superfluous. It seems that you made an important step into that direction. I’m looking forward to a further growing plant!

    • Thank you Matthias from my side too. It’s not only nice to hear such opinions but also encouraging ones for the journey we’ve already entered it!
      Thanks again and kind regards from Tirana 🙂

    • Stephan

      Dear Matthias. Thank you very much for your congrats! Above all, I was very pleased with the good involvement and the interest of the businesses. Indeed a further important step in a good direction. We keep going on with healthy and sustainable small steps (avash avash) and hopefully one day this initative can be handed over completely to the private sector. Best regards from provincial Madiswil 😉

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