INVEST VET Capacity Building Programme: Competences for Sustainable Lives for VET Teachers in WB Countries

🌍 Successful INVEST TPM and CBP in Albania 🇦🇱 We are excited to share the highlights of the recent Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) and Capacity Building Programme (CBP) held in Albania! This milestone event was pivotal in advancing our mission to equip educators in the Western Balkans with skills for the green and digital transitions. 

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The VET-TO-VET ALBANIA project reaches its conclusion with a final session in Tirana

🌟 VET-TO-VET ALBANIA Project Concludes with Final Session in Tirana! 🌍 ❇️ From December 17th to 19th, 2024, the VET-TO-VET Capacity Building project reached its final milestones in Tirana! Partners Apro Formazione, SEPR, AlbanianSkills-National Association for Skills Competitions (NASC), Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale Hoteleri – Turizëm, Kamza MCF, Build Green Group Albania, and EfVET gathered 

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The Power of Mobility: Boosting VET Attractiveness through International Opportunities

On December 18th, 2024, we witnessed an impactful and insightful conference focused on the transformative power of mobility in enhancing the attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET). Hosted by Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale Hoteleri – Turizëm, the event brought together key stakeholders, experts, and VET champions for an engaging day of discussions, knowledge sharing, 

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Apprentices of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow

The “Apprentices of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow” an inspiring event dedicated to the vital role of apprentices in our organizations and beyond held at the Social Hub co-working space was a resounding success on 13 June, 2024 at Social Hub Tirana. Attendees were treated to an enlightening panel discussion featuring esteemed stakeholders from human resources, 

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Second Chance a great opportunity to support the development of entrepreneurial skills among young individuals in the field of textile design

We are delighted to introduce to you the Second Chance project, the newest project co-funded by the European Union and part of the Erasmus+ Youth 2023 Capacity Building programme! 🥳 This program brings together an entirely new partnership which is bringing together a diverse, vibrant but solid consortium of organizationsconsortium of organizations: Taka-Tuka from Slovenia 

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“The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions”- Logo Design Competition

Exciting News! “The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions” organised by Albanian Skills- National Association for Skills Competitions is scheduled for 15-17 November 2024, and we need YOUR creativity to make it unforgettable! We are thrilled to announce the Logo Design Competition for this prestigious event. The Logo Design Competition is co-organized in cooperation 

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INTERVET WB Project: Successes and Milestones at Transnational Brussels Meeting

We are excited to announce the success of our recent Brussels meeting! The gathering was both productive and eventful as we discussed crucial project aspects. To begin, we ensured that all financial and administrative matters were handled successfully. We addressed any arising issues and resolved them to ensure the project’s smooth operation. We dedicated a 

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“Identify The Best”-Expocity Albania – 15 October 2022

Expocity Albania mbajti panairin e tretë ndërkombëtar të tekstilit dhe lëkurës në vend gjatë 14-16 Tetor, 2022. Ky organizim kishte si synim kryesor mbështetjen e biznesit si dhe bashkëpunimin maksimal midis kompanive në rajon dhe jo vetëm.   Eventi zgjati tre ditë, ku u mbajtën forume, konkurse dhe konferenca të ndryshme midis përfaqësuesve të ndryshëm të 

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Identify the Best -Expocity Albania – 15 October 2022

Panairet e industrive të ndryshme janë edhe vendet ku institucionet arsimore mund të krijojnë lidhje të rëndësishme mes tyre dhe bizneseve që operojnë në ato fusha. Por më e rëndësishmja është se panairet shndërrohen në “arena” të vërteta të prezantimit të talenteve të reja, aftësive të tyre dhe se sa të lidhura janë ato aftësi 

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