Testimonials of the students participated in the first VET Student Mobility in Bologna

On June 25, the ten selected students from the VET schools in Albania traveled to Italy for one month mobility in the framework of the INTERVET WB project. This project is the first of its kind in Westerns Balkans Countries therefore it has a special importance for the VET system in Albania and other countries 

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Albanian Skills Week takes place for the 4th year inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week. European Vocational Skills Week is a European Commission initiative to raise awareness about vocational education and training (VET) and increase its attractiveness since 2016. Inspired by this wonderful initiative which aims to make VET more appealing, to help young 

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Gëzuar Festat! Season’s Greetings!

Të nderuar miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë të Albanian Skills, Gjejmë rastin që në këtë fundvit t’ju shprehim falenderimet tona të sinqerta për kontributin tuaj të çmuar në arritjen e qëllimeve dhe objektivave tona të përbashkëta. Ky ishte një vit i vështrë për të gjithë, por ne ja dolëm mbanë të vërtetojmë se me bashkëpunim dhe vullnet 

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“MobilTeach” Summer School,by INTERVET WB- It was challenging experience,but we finally made it!

(Experience remarks from one of Albania’s representatives at the “MobilTeach” Summer School, by INTERVET WB – Ida Kurti, teacher at the Technical-Economic Higher Secondary School of Tirana) For me, participating at the “MobilTeach” summer school on 06—10 July was an experience that I would consider valuable for every colleague or representative of a school institution 

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New Time for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions – Autumn 2020

Dear participants, colleagues and everyone interested, We would like to inform you that because of the restrictions put in response to coronavirus (COVID–19), Albanian Skills and its partners/collaborators have made the decision to postpone Albanian Skills Competitions 2020 to a latest time in November 2020, taking place at the same venue-Tirana Business Park. With a 

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6th Edition of National Skills Competition

We are back in this 6th Edition of Professional Skills Competitions! Thanks to all partners, colleagues, collaborators and youngsters who remained supportive and trustworthy to our noble mission, we are preparing the 6th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European 

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Film and Photography can Transform Learning-Debate Two

Are you ready for the second debate on 15 November, 2018? Under the title: Film and Photography can Transform Learning, this debate will be an interesting journey throughout filming and photography industry, in a new photography studio of Elvin Shytaj, in Durres. His personal and professional success stories will be the center of this debate 

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First Albanian Skills Week

Inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week 2017, and the very inspirational and fruitful participation of our representative in the activities organised in Brussels, 22- 24 November 2017, we initiated the first Albanian Skills Week on 7-12 May 2018. Albanian Skills is an initiative comprising senior and young local and international professionals who established the 

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