International Conference Explores Innovative Pathways from Classroom to Workplace

Tirana, November 20, 2024 – the MK Hotel in Tirana was abuzz with activity as education professionals, policymakers, industry leaders, and students convened for the international conference “From Classroom to Workplace: International Approaches to Work-Based Learning (WBL)” organized under the V2VAL project, the event highlighted best practices and innovations in work-based learning, a pivotal approach 

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A nice update from our project VET to VET ALBANIA 🥳!

Glad to be back from summer holidays and meeting each other. We just closed the Steering Committee meeting for the #V2V-AL project focused on various aspects of project implementation and management. Here are some key topics included: 1. Capacity Building: Updates on future steps, including thematic team webinars, upcoming conferences, observation missions, and workshops with 

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Europe Week 2024 -Europe Union for Vocational Education and Training in Albania

On May 4th and 6th, we participated in activities as part of Europe Week organized by @EU in Albania. Over these two days, we had the opportunity to promote what AlbanianSkills represents and does in the field of Vocational Education and Training, as well as to showcase and talk more about the 8 current projects 

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Takimi i Dytë mes Partnerëve, më 20-21 shkurt 2024 në Sarajevë në Kuadër të Projektit DC-VET WB

Takimi i 2-të midis partnerëve për projektin DC-VET WB u mbajt në Sarajevë më 20 dhe 21 shkurt 2024, duke shënuar një hap të rëndësishëm drejt zhvillimit të AFP në Rajon. Organizuar nga International University of Sarajevo (IUS) dhe IUS Lifelong Learning Center, takimi mblodhi së bashku një grup të ndryshëm aktorësh nga vendet partnere 

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Second Chance a great opportunity to support the development of entrepreneurial skills among young individuals in the field of textile design

We are delighted to introduce to you the Second Chance project, the newest project co-funded by the European Union and part of the Erasmus+ Youth 2023 Capacity Building programme! 🥳 This program brings together an entirely new partnership which is bringing together a diverse, vibrant but solid consortium of organizationsconsortium of organizations: Taka-Tuka from Slovenia 

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CANDI Project – 2nd TNM in Valencia

At the beginning of October, our second transnational project meeting for the CANDI project was held in Valencia. It was a great opportunity to catch up with the CANDI team and plan the next steps together. During the meeting, we met our future CANDI trainers who participated in the first part of the training to 

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