International Conference Explores Innovative Pathways from Classroom to Workplace

Tirana, November 20, 2024 – the MK Hotel in Tirana was abuzz with activity as education professionals, policymakers, industry leaders, and students convened for the international conference “From Classroom to Workplace: International Approaches to Work-Based Learning (WBL)” organized under the V2VAL project, the event highlighted best practices and innovations in work-based learning, a pivotal approach 

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We are looking for interns – Journalism & Communication Intern

Above all, the employee should love the organization’s mission and devote passion and work on that! Organization DescriptionAlbanianSkills – National Association for Skills Competitions (NASC) is a non governmental organization comprised of senior and young professionals, both locals and internationals, dedicated to youth and skills development in Albania and abroad. Our mission is to promote 

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“The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions”- Logo Design Competition

Exciting News! “The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions” organised by Albanian Skills- National Association for Skills Competitions is scheduled for 15-17 November 2024, and we need YOUR creativity to make it unforgettable! We are thrilled to announce the Logo Design Competition for this prestigious event. The Logo Design Competition is co-organized in cooperation 

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“Identify The Best”-Expocity Albania – 15 October 2022

Expocity Albania mbajti panairin e tretë ndërkombëtar të tekstilit dhe lëkurës në vend gjatë 14-16 Tetor, 2022. Ky organizim kishte si synim kryesor mbështetjen e biznesit si dhe bashkëpunimin maksimal midis kompanive në rajon dhe jo vetëm.   Eventi zgjati tre ditë, ku u mbajtën forume, konkurse dhe konferenca të ndryshme midis përfaqësuesve të ndryshëm të 

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Identify the Best -Expocity Albania – 15 October 2022

Panairet e industrive të ndryshme janë edhe vendet ku institucionet arsimore mund të krijojnë lidhje të rëndësishme mes tyre dhe bizneseve që operojnë në ato fusha. Por më e rëndësishmja është se panairet shndërrohen në “arena” të vërteta të prezantimit të talenteve të reja, aftësive të tyre dhe se sa të lidhura janë ato aftësi 

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