New Time for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions – Autumn 2020

Dear participants, colleagues and everyone interested, We would like to inform you that because of the restrictions put in response to coronavirus (COVID–19), Albanian Skills and its partners/collaborators have made the decision to postpone Albanian Skills Competitions 2020 to a latest time in November 2020, taking place at the same venue-Tirana Business Park. With a 

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6th Edition of National Skills Competition

We are back in this 6th Edition of Professional Skills Competitions! Thanks to all partners, colleagues, collaborators and youngsters who remained supportive and trustworthy to our noble mission, we are preparing the 6th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European 

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5th Edition of National Skills Competition

It is not a joke! We turn 5 years old this year. Thanks to all who remain supportive and trustworthy for our noble mission, we are preparing the 5th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European and World professional competitions. 

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Denis Buzali-Winner Hotel and Restaurant Service Competition 2018

 Denis Buzali -fitues ne konkursin Hotel and Restaurant Service Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin qe ai drejton per te gjithe: EuroSkills do të mbetet një eksperiencë e paharrueshme për mua. Mënyra e organizimit dhe bashkëpunimit ishin të shkëlqyera dhe duhen marrë si 

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Alkida Osmani – Web Development Winner 2018

Alkida Osmani – fituese e cmimit te pare ne Web Development Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin e saj. Vizita në EuroSkills Budapest ishte emocionuese dhe njekohësisht habitëse. Emocionuese për faktin se ishte një organizim madhështor me një pjesëmarrje të 

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Aleks Ruci – Software Developtment Winner 2018

Aleks Ruci – fitues i cmimit te pare ne Software Development Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin qe ai drejton per te gjithe: Vizita në Euroskills 2018 Budapest më përforcoi më tepër mendimin se Shqipëria ka nevojë të mbështesë më 

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overwhelming response and new record

Wow, we are simply overwhelmed! Young Albanians are obviously motivated and ready to put their talent under proof! So far, we have received well over 100 applications, which is a new record since we started the AlbanianSkills Competitions 3 years ago. Many thanks to you guys out there for this strong signal! It motivates us even more to organize a 

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