Thinking about future career!

Within the Albanian Skills Week 2021 will be held the workshop ‘Thinking about future career!’ This workshop is dedicated to young people who are in the last year of high school or 9-year-old. Some informal career counseling methods will examine participants’ perspectives and vision for their future careers. The sessions will be self-reflective and filled 

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Future Skills for 2020s_A New Hope

We are happy to come through this report on the vocational subjects of the future initiated by WorldSkills Russia and realized by Global Education Futures with a great support of WorldSkills International and WorldSkills member countries and regions. This report is for Vocational Education & Training practitioners & policy shapers, the WorldSkills movement, business people, 

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Gëzuar Festat! Season’s Greetings!

Të nderuar miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë të Albanian Skills, Gjejmë rastin që në këtë fundvit t’ju shprehim falenderimet tona të sinqerta për kontributin tuaj të çmuar në arritjen e qëllimeve dhe objektivave tona të përbashkëta. Ky ishte një vit i vështrë për të gjithë, por ne ja dolëm mbanë të vërtetojmë se me bashkëpunim dhe vullnet 

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A one-week online workshop for young professionals in Albania, to learn about AI and how to apply AI in their field of expertise.

Still in the middle of AI skills week Artificial Intelligence, and very excited to be amongst young people with thrilling project ideas. It is all about infusing Artificial Intelligence in your own field of expertise. It broadens your knowledge for sure, but it also takes it into a whole new level of intelligence. The overall 

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New Time for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions – Autumn 2020

Dear participants, colleagues and everyone interested, We would like to inform you that because of the restrictions put in response to coronavirus (COVID–19), Albanian Skills and its partners/collaborators have made the decision to postpone Albanian Skills Competitions 2020 to a latest time in November 2020, taking place at the same venue-Tirana Business Park. With a 

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6th Edition of National Skills Competition

We are back in this 6th Edition of Professional Skills Competitions! Thanks to all partners, colleagues, collaborators and youngsters who remained supportive and trustworthy to our noble mission, we are preparing the 6th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European 

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First Albanian Skills Week

Inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week 2017, and the very inspirational and fruitful participation of our representative in the activities organised in Brussels, 22- 24 November 2017, we initiated the first Albanian Skills Week on 7-12 May 2018. Albanian Skills is an initiative comprising senior and young local and international professionals who established the 

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