The third Transnational Meeting of the CANDI project, whose major goal is to increase the digital teaching capacities of VET teachers in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held at the end of last month at the IUS. The meeting was an opportunity to summarize the previous work on work packages and make plans for future activities.
Partners provided an overview of the project timeline and updates on each WP’s results.
WP1 – We discuss administrative issues and update the risk register
WP3 – We outlined the ILIAS platform status
WP4 and WP5 – Partners’ presentation of pilots as well as pilot evaluation first results
WP6 – Upcoming activities on the transfer concept
We were pleased to host our CANDI partners and we hope for a successful continuation of work on the project.
The project leader is AFBB – Germany, and the other members of the consortium are partner institutions:
Shkolla e Mesme e Ndërtimit “Karl Gega” – Albania
Shkolla Profesionale Teknike Korçë – Albania
Shkolla e Mesme Bujqesore GOLEM Kavaje – Alabania
JU Mješovita srednja škola Gračanica – Bosnia and Herzegovina
JU Srednjoškolski centar Hadžići
FHD – Fachhochschule Dresden – Germany
MMediterraneo International Center- Spain
IUS Lifelong Learning Center
International University of Sarajevo