Spectacular Opening Ceremony marks official start of EuroSkills Graz 2021

With a dazzling explosion of colour, music, and youthful energy, the 7th EuroSkills Competition was officially declared open with great fanfare in Austria yesterday evening (22 September 2021). The highlight, as always at EuroSkills Opening Ceremonies, was the Parade of Nations, which this year included around 400 young professionals from 19 European countries who will 

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Ceremonia spektakolare e hapjes shënon fillimin zyrtar të EuroSkills Graz 2021

Me një shpërthim verbues ngjyrash, muzike dhe energjie rinore, Konkursi i 7 -të EuroSkills u shpall zyrtarisht i hapur me bujë të madhe në Austri mbrëmjen e djeshme (22 shtator 2021). Pika kryesore, si gjithmonë në Ceremonitë e Hapjes të EuroSkills, ishte Parada e Kombeve, e cila këtë vit përfshiu rreth 400 profesionistë të rinj 

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Albania participates for the first time in EuroSkills 2021

The latest edition of the EuroSkills competition will be taking place from 22nd of September until the 26th. This time the competition will be hosted in Graz, Austria. The EuroSkills is the European Vocational Championship, which is held every two years in one of the 31 WorldSkills Europe member countries. It is a competitions where 

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Testimonials of the students participated in the first VET Student Mobility in Bologna

On June 25, the ten selected students from the VET schools in Albania traveled to Italy for one month mobility in the framework of the INTERVET WB project. This project is the first of its kind in Westerns Balkans Countries therefore it has a special importance for the VET system in Albania and other countries 

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In fields: Administration & Event Management, MarCom, Journalism Work base: Albanian Skills Office, Tirana, Albania Duration: 3 months Application: Email your CV and letter of motivation Expected beginning of the internship: 1st July 2021 If you are interested in applying for the positions and you fulfil all the criteria set out in the calls, please 

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