Frenkli Kapri: With Albanian Skills I had made the best choice

Hello everyone! I am Frenkli Kapri, currently studying software engineering. The student life for me has been like that of most Albanian students, unmotivated to try new things and to participate in different events and competitions. After the first semester, I realized and decided that I shouldn’t focus only on my university.  So I started searching in different portals 

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Xhenis Lepeja: Volunteers Are the Spirit of the Team

I discovered Albanian Skills through the social network “Facebook“. It seemed to me very interesting and I thought to give     my contribution as a volunteer. I am a person who loves new experiences and why not challenging myself. That’s how I saw “Albanian Skills 2017”, a mysterious challenge I was eager to try. I have 

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Flutura Vaqarri: Ne kemi zgjedhur arsimin profesional!

Të lumtur që ishim pjesë e Albanian Skills , kësaj iniciative private që synon konkurueshmërinë dhe mobilitetin në tregun e punës të të rinjve profesionalisht të kualifikuar. Për herë të parë si institucion arsimor ishim prezent në këtë kompeticion me 4 nxenes dhe rezultatet ishin shumë pozitive. Dy çmime të fituara nga nxënësit dhe ish 

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Cdo vit i AlbanianSkills ka qenë një eksperiencë e vecantë…

Pjesëmarrja ime në tre edicione të AlbaninanSkills ka qenë jo vetëm nder dhe kënaqësi por njëkoheshisht përkushtim dhe përgjegjesi.  Sado eksperienca apo bashkëpunime të kesh pasur apo marrë pjesë cdo eksperiencë e re të intrigon edhe të ngjall interes të jashtëzakonshëm. Më kujtohen sikur të ketë ndodhur sot emocionet e edicionit të parë të konkursit 

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4 good reasons to work together

Are you a business owner or business executive? Here are four good reasons why we should know each other and why we should team up: Access to talents! Access to talent is key for every sustainable business success. The participants of our annual skills competitions demonstrate with their application that they are willing to prove their 

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overwhelming response and new record

Wow, we are simply overwhelmed! Young Albanians are obviously motivated and ready to put their talent under proof! So far, we have received well over 100 applications, which is a new record since we started the AlbanianSkills Competitions 3 years ago. Many thanks to you guys out there for this strong signal! It motivates us even more to organize a 

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