INNOVET Albania Newsletter – Issue 1 – English
Gëzuar Festat! Season’s Greetings!
Të nderuar miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë të Albanian Skills, Gjejmë rastin që në këtë fundvit t’ju shprehim falenderimet tona të sinqerta për kontributin tuaj të çmuar në arritjen e qëllimeve dhe …
Ready to challenge yourself? Join us in the newest ‘Entrepreneurship in Business’ competition!
Nowadays, most of the youngsters in Albania are thinking to have a business in their near future and become entrepreneurs. But business is tough. And not just practically, or financially …
Are you ready for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions in Albania?
Dear participants, colleagues and everyone interested, With a massive thanks to everyone who has completed the registration so far, the Albanian Skills together with Tirana Business Park, are entering in …
Read more “Are you ready for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions in Albania?”
INTERVET WB – An amazing opportunity to improve VET Systems in Western Balkans
“MobilTeach” Summer School,by INTERVET WB- It was challenging experience,but we finally made it!
(Experience remarks from one of Albania’s representatives at the “MobilTeach” Summer School, by INTERVET WB – Ida Kurti, teacher at the Technical-Economic Higher Secondary School of Tirana) For me, participating …
A one-week online workshop for young professionals in Albania, to learn about AI and how to apply AI in their field of expertise.
Still in the middle of AI skills week Artificial Intelligence, and very excited to be amongst young people with thrilling project ideas. It is all about infusing Artificial Intelligence in …
New Time for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions – Autumn 2020
Dear participants, colleagues and everyone interested, We would like to inform you that because of the restrictions put in response to coronavirus (COVID–19), Albanian Skills and its partners/collaborators have made …
Read more “New Time for the 6th Edition of National Skills Competitions – Autumn 2020”
The project INTERVET Western Balkans funded by European Commision and started this January 2020 aims at creating opportunities for learning mobility in the training centers of Western Balkans and improving …