Skills vs Passion. What matters most?

Which are the most important? Skills or passion? This will be the theme of the motivational session that will be held by Denis Lushi.Through joint discussions and reflections, interesting and useful conclusions regarding what matters more, skills or passion, the participants will be involved actively through the session. To become part of the session register 

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Thinking about future career!

Within the Albanian Skills Week 2021 will be held the workshop ‘Thinking about future career!’ This workshop is dedicated to young people who are in the last year of high school or 9-year-old. Some informal career counseling methods will examine participants’ perspectives and vision for their future careers. The sessions will be self-reflective and filled 

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Preparing the 10 selected INTERVET WB students for their journey in Italy / English Classes Remarks

In the framework of the INTERVET WB project, ten students of Vocational Education Schools from Albania have been selected to participate in a 1-month internship in Italy which will take place this summer. On the eve of the organizing of these professional practices, the multidimensional preparation of students for this experience and to benefit as 

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The newest initiative of Albanian Skills! Focus groups with VET students in Albania.

It is our strong belief that student status can no longer be seen simply as a passive “receiving” and beneficiary in the overall chain of the education system. They are sometimes steps ahead in these transformational changes of the world due to digitisation of the entire life and therefore they should be seen equally involved 

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