Empowering Sustainable and Digital & Green Futures: The INVEST-CBVET Project Kick-Off Meeting in Seville

In the charming city of Seville, the groundbreaking Kick-Off Meeting for the INVEST project was convened, marking the commencement of a pivotal venture dedicated to fostering Innovation in Green and Digital VET skills for Sustainable Lifestyles. Held over three productive days from the 18th to the 20th of March 2024, the event gathered a consortium 

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Takimi i Dytë mes Partnerëve, më 20-21 shkurt 2024 në Sarajevë në Kuadër të Projektit DC-VET WB

Takimi i 2-të midis partnerëve për projektin DC-VET WB u mbajt në Sarajevë më 20 dhe 21 shkurt 2024, duke shënuar një hap të rëndësishëm drejt zhvillimit të AFP në Rajon. Organizuar nga International University of Sarajevo (IUS) dhe IUS Lifelong Learning Center, takimi mblodhi së bashku një grup të ndryshëm aktorësh nga vendet partnere 

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Second Chance a great opportunity to support the development of entrepreneurial skills among young individuals in the field of textile design

We are delighted to introduce to you the Second Chance project, the newest project co-funded by the European Union and part of the Erasmus+ Youth 2023 Capacity Building programme! 🥳 This program brings together an entirely new partnership which is bringing together a diverse, vibrant but solid consortium of organizationsconsortium of organizations: Taka-Tuka from Slovenia 

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DC-VET WB, Electrotechnical Professional Network

Technical Vocational School in Korçë launched the first “Electrotechnical Professional Network” in a pilot event in the framework of Dc-VET WB project Erasmus+ Program , aimed at enhancing work-based learning in IT , electronics , and automation sectors , promoting more innovative and inclusive education in Albania with Albanian Skills. One of the teacher Sotiraq 

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“The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions”- Logo Design Competition

Exciting News! “The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions” organised by Albanian Skills- National Association for Skills Competitions is scheduled for 15-17 November 2024, and we need YOUR creativity to make it unforgettable! We are thrilled to announce the Logo Design Competition for this prestigious event. The Logo Design Competition is co-organized in cooperation 

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DC-VET WB, Të mësuarit përmes punës sipas modelit finlandez

“Të mësuarit bazuar në punë”- përvoja e modelit finlandez që ndau me bizneset bashkëpunuese të shkollës mësimdhënësi Bilal Kameri Shkolla Teknike “Arben Broci”, mbështetur edhe nga fjala hapëse e Drejtorit të shkollës Z. Zamir Lacej dhe Kordinatori i Marrëdhënieve me Biznesin Z. Nesti Kiri. Ky takim u realizua në kuadër të projektit pilot të ndërmarrë 

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DC-VET WB, WBL via Italian model

Work-based learning and classroom-career connections were highlighted at the “Thoma Papapano” VET School’s Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale “Thoma Papapano” Gjirokaster partnership table, focusing on the Italian model. The discussion was part of the DC-VET WB project, under #ErasmusPlus, aimed at enhancing work-based learning in IT, electronics, and automation sectors in Albania by Albanian Skills. Reshat 

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INTERVET WB Project: Successes and Milestones at Transnational Brussels Meeting

We are excited to announce the success of our recent Brussels meeting! The gathering was both productive and eventful as we discussed crucial project aspects. To begin, we ensured that all financial and administrative matters were handled successfully. We addressed any arising issues and resolved them to ensure the project’s smooth operation. We dedicated a 

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