Glad to be back from summer holidays and meeting each other. We just closed the Steering Committee meeting for the #V2V-AL project focused on various aspects of project implementation and management.
Here are some key topics included:
1. Capacity Building: Updates on future steps, including thematic team webinars, upcoming conferences, observation missions, and workshops with policymakers scheduled for November. Deliverables discussed included the development of international strategies and policy recommendations.
2. Mobility Schedule and Process: An update on the third round of student mobility was provided, along with details on the finalization of long-term mobility for three graduates in Alba from 16/09/2024 to 15/12/2024.
3. Project Management and Financial Management: The session covered updates on the partners’ third progress report, financial aspects such as money transfers and staff costs, and confirmation of an approved amendment.
4. Communication and Dissemination: The committee reviewed the communication and dissemination activities file, emphasizing ongoing efforts to share project outcomes.
5. Cross-Cutting Issues: A sustainability update focused on travel emissions and the integration of sustainability roadmaps into upcoming deliverables, including international strategies and policy recommendations.

Each segment featured presentations followed by roundtable discussions involving Apro Formazione and all partners, fostering collaborative input and planning for the project’s next phases.
To read more from the project

Project partners:
Shkolla Hoteleriturizem
Ministria e Ekonomisë, Kulturës dhe Inovacionit
Build Green Group
Shkolla e Mesme Profesionale Kamëz