4 good reasons to work together

Are you a business owner or business executive? Here are four good reasons why we should know each other and why we should team up:

Access to talents!

Access to talent is key for every sustainable business success. The participants of our annual skills competitions demonstrate with their application that they are willing to prove their skills under competitive conditions. Already by this voluntary willingness they stand out from others, because they are ready to go the extra mile. Furthermore, the assessment of our juries with experienced professionals gives an additional and independent expert opinion on the professional skills of the competitors. AlbanianSkills helps to identify and promote the talents of tomorrow and your business can benefit from this source of valuable resources.

Strong focus on private sector!

AlbanianSkills is an independent private initiative with a team mainly from the private sector. It’s our strong belief that a country’s prosperity highly depends on a strong private sector, creating jobs and income. However, job creation or economic growth does not happen without well-skilled and qualified professionals. If you share the same values and beliefs, we definitely should bundle our efforts for a strong private sector in Albania.

Do good things and talk about it!

Improve your business’ recognition as social responsible corporation, which actively engages in the promotion of youth. As partner we mention and highlight your business on our well attended webpage (18K hits form 4,5K users in 2016), in social media (over 1.8K followers on FB) and on printed materials. As prize sponsor you even enter the stage, handing over the prize to the winner in the spotlight of the ceremony.

Design the future and write history!

AlbanianSkills is growing and developing constantly. According to our vision, we intend to send a delegation of young talents to EuroSkills and WorldSkills competitions, proudly representing Albania. You are welcome to join us on this fascinating journey, being part of a great story!

Interested in collaborating with us or support us? Read more or contact us here!



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